ANSI FL1 flashlight standards require that lights be tested to exacting standards under certain conditions to produce accurate and useful results for the consumer. The Coast Light Lab allows us to test our lights accurately, efficiently, and with consistency. Just another case of Coast showing its commitment to quality.

Our Light Lab is one more reason why we say: NOT JUST BRIGHTER…BETTER


Why do we need ANSI FL1 Standards?

Buying a new flashlight, headlamp or lantern these days can be confusing at best.  The problem was that there was not any standardization in the reporting of performance standards of lights from the many manufacturers in the market. A variety of terms such as wattage, candlepower and lumens have been used to measure light output and the method of measuring battery run time was not standardized.

This made it nearly impossible to compare features of products produced by different manufacturers. To help alleviate the confusion, a group of the leading companies in the industry joined together to create a new standard of specifications for the portable lighting industry. The resulting ANSI FL1 flashlight standards spell out very specific methods of testing for each feature under controlled laboratory conditions, and will ensure that any light produced by any manufacturer that has adopted the standards can be easily compared for performance and features. 

Coast has made it a goal to test and retest our lights against the ANSI Standards and has even developed our own light testing lab that strictly follows the guidelines that were outlined.